Disk No: 2390 Disk Title: ShareDebate International #3 PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: ShareDebate International #3 Author Version: 09/90 Author Registration: Multiple registration plans from $5 through $25 Special Requirements: 384 K RAM Issue 3's Headlines: NOBEL PRIZE WINNER IN ECONOMICS PARTICIPATES IN A DEBATE! ~ Milton Friedman debates a National-Interest Project-level Stock Market (NIPS) NIPS privatized -- Now called FIPS (Future-Interest Project- level Stock market) ~ Science Fiction author, Ben Bova, leads Electronic Media Debate with fiction ShareDebate International, a ShareWare diskette magazine distributed in over 430 shareware channels in 25 countries, is a quarterly debate forum for PC users concerned about the present & future. About it, Ben Bova, author & former editor of OMNI & ANALOG, wrote: "Electronic publishing is here! ShareDebate International is a bold, exciting venture that deserves the attention & support of everyone who seeks to create a better tomorrow." Issue 3 introduces two new debate topics, and Ben Bova and Nobel Prize winner, Milton Friedman, contribute. New topics: Electronic Digital Media Publishing with an excerpt from Bova's novel, Cyberbooks; and, Against Value-less Education. Friedman analyzes the National Interest Project-level Stock Market proposal. A unique commission/subscription feature is built into ShareDebate International to encourage people to distribute, participate, and profit from the disk-based magazine. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.